• Meet Renee

    My mission is for every learner, regardless of age, to remember their potential

    by promoting experiences and services aligned with a state of well-being.

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    Renee Rainville

    Director & Chief Awareness Instigator

    Hello and welcome to Quanticopia! I have always been interested in education and, even as a young person, I started to see inequity in education. During my career as an educator, I was proactive in actively exploring pedagogies and developing tools and experiences that would reduce inequity and increase a joy of learning. On my journey to understand equity, I lived and worked in Mexico, Qatar, and the United Kingdom atuning my ability to contextualise educational programming. I have had the honour to work with teachers, education NGOs and companies in more than 20 countries delivering content to disrupt traditional education theories. With an eye on holistic education, I began to use my life coaching and behaviour communication certifications to enhance the idea of whole-person support and development. Most recently, I began my certification as an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and as a Reiki Master (both in progress) as I explore how our body's subtle energies have a profound impact on our well-being.

    I now work as an independent consultant or project lead while offering workshops and sessions around holistic education.


    For more information on me and my projects,

    please visit LinkedIn.

  • About Quanticopia

    Our current generalization:

    Well-being is a state of self-awareness where an individual actively recognises their own rhythms and triggers and applies a host of holistic tools that positively impact the individual's energetic state.


    Long-term well-being rests on the ability of an individual to be self-aware. Many well-being solutions, while well-intentioned, only scratch the surface if not accompanied by self-awareness practices such as mindfulness within the education context.

    Personal Rhythms

    The disconnect between our environments and our natural energetic rhythms has placed a spotlight on dis-ease. We must all be part of the solution as we reimagine and disrupt systemic beliefs and get back in touch with our natural rhythms.


    We are complex beings that have too long been seen as a sum of parts. Not only must we view these parts as interconnected, we must ensure that all parts are present: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Denial of the whole being is fear that must be released.

    Subtle energies

    Within the complexity of our being is woven a system of subtle energies, deemed bio-fields, that has a natural circulation and flow. As these systems become disrupted by environmental and emotional factors, our state of well-being is adversely affected.

  • Quanticopia Clients and Partners

    Awakening Learner Potential

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    Destination Imagination 

    United States

    Inspiring young people to imagine and innovate today so they become the creative and collaborative leaders of tomorrow.

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    Instituto Nezaldi



    Dedicated to the development of autonomous human beings, consciously happy and socially responsible.

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    e-Services and Technologies


    Our focus is to bring quality international educational opportunities to Pakistan and to support and develop local educational opportunities and institutions.